Monday, June 10, 2013

Post  #1

     Hello, Bacon Babies! Ha. Ha. Well, I am BaconBlogger. This is actually not my first blog. I started blogs in 2010 and I was obsessed with it. Really obsessed. I made manydifferent ones, and one that is actually on ! It's so fun to look back at my silly blogs. I made them 100% dedicated to Domo, the little brown monster. I'm not sure why, but I thought he was the best thing ever.  Anyways, here's a couple of things you might like to know about me:

     *I love bacon, obviously
     *Youtube-wise, I am a Fantard (Shaytards), CTFxCer (CTFxC), and PvPeep (PrankvPrank or BFvsGF).
     *I am a Simmer (From the Sims 3)
     *My favorite animal is a koala.
     *I am a Christian
     *I really like the color yellow or a purple-magenta color.
     *I'm single, of course :)
     *My parents are divorced
     * I love my baby puppy (well...she's actually like 5 or 6 now...), Maisy. xoxo.
     *I like to do social media, such as blogging (as you know), making videos, posting on Instagram, posting on Twitter, and occasionally another site.
     *I'm in Junior Civitans, a club where you basically do community work.
     *I'm in 7th grade.
     That's pretty much all you need to know. Well, welcome to the blog and I hope you enjoy! X.
