I'm am so...so...excited, nervous, crazy, bursting with giddiness. But, I will tell you about that last. (I'm so sorry. I need to say a quick thing)
Well, yesterday my sister went to camp! She texted us saying she was having fun. She's 2 or 3 (depends on time of year) years older than me. All you older siblings, let me tell you what it's like to have one. Well, the first thing is that when we are all younger, we played with each other a lot. Then, the older siblings sorta take off on their own. And, we (well maybe it was just me), sorta felt neglected. We only "annoyed" you to get your attention.
I remember one time Nora (my sister) had a sleepover with her friends, then made me leave the room. I was so mad that I went downstairs and told my dad. Later on, I did it again. But now I'm used to it and I'm growing older, so I realize she may want time alone or time with just her friends. :) Older sisters are great though. She's there when I need her, and she can always give me advice. But, I'd rather be a younger sister so that I have someone to ask for help.
So, older siblings, make sure you explain this to your younger brothers or sisters.
So, here's the news you've been waiting for...I'm going to have a surprise party for my friend. (Not listing the name so that she doesn't know). I hope she doesn't read this...Yeah, so I can't put much details on here.
Anyways, I have just recently discovered a man named (not his real birth name) Vermin Supreme. He has ran for President multiple times (since 1988!). Just a while ago, he ran for office in 2012. Honestly, if I could vote, and I knew about him, he'd have my vote. Let me tell you about him.
1. He wears a boot as a hat at all times.
2. He believes every American should own, quoted, "a pony, ponies for all Americans".
3. He thinks that we should use zombies as an alternative power source by making then chase brains on something like a wheel to generate energy.
4. If elected, every American "must brush their teeth every night" as a law.
5. He said he created his names because "politicians are like vermins. So I am the supreme vermin of them all."
6. He is serious about the whole thing.
Please vote for Vermin Supreme, if he runs in 2016. (He'll probably be impeached right after, though). He says that the government will never change if you keep voting for all the same things. I agree. I agree fully and entirely.
PS, I love his hat.